Publication Concept: Closing the Gap Between Old and New

commissioned by PHINEO

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What can our near future look like? — Impulse paper

A Glimpse into the Future! What can our near future look like? PHINEO strives to foster a collective discourse that instills confidence rather than concern. Reimagining Corporate Citizenship 2035: Impulse paper for PHINEO's Corporate Citizenship department.


  • The impulse paper should be designed in a way that announces a change in design, but still fits in with the old design. Part of the task is to create a new usable template that can still be modified, but already announces the new design. This also includes the development of a coherent visual language and infographic. Published in English and German. To support the launch, which was presented at a congress, the release was communicated through social media channels and featured on the PHINEO website.


  • Editorial
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Gerhard Behles, Ableton AG — Alexander Birken, Otto Group — Florian Henle, Polarstern GmbH — Katharina Hupfer, Waschbär GmbH — Georg Kaiser, Bio Company SE — Christian Kroll — Ecosia GmbH — Dr. Melanie Maas-Brunner, BASF SE — Aysel Osmanoglu, GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG — Thomas Schmidt, Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH — Christoph Selig, Deutsche Post DHL Group — Aylin Tüzel, Pfizer Pharma GmbH — Maximilian Viessmann, Viessmann Gruppe — Markwart von Pentz, John Deere GmbH & Co. KG — Nataliya Yarmolenko, Weleda AG — Waldemar Zeiler, einhorn products GmbH

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